Cleerly for
Payors and
Insurance Providers
Evidence-based phenotyping.
Personalized care for people.
Today's Clinical Care Challenge
Quite often, patients with the highest burden of coronary artery disease (CAD) are unaware of their condition while patients with traditional risk factors, yet little disease, are filling diagnostic testing facilities and being subjected to unnecessary procedures.
Determining who is a candidate for an intervention or which patient would benefit from expensive medications should be based on medical imaging data and science, not diagnostic doubt or fear of risk.
Cardiac care needs an objective lens through which diagnostic and treatment decisions can be made.
Transformative Digital Care
Cleerly combines advanced cardiac imaging with AI-driven clinical insights - so you can ensure appropriate care, reduce unnecessary invasive procedures, and contain costs through personalized and proactive treatment plans.
More Accurate Diagnosis and Earlier Intervention
Reduces the costs associated with ER visits, hospitals stays, and invasive procedures.
Comprehensive Clinical Insights & Phenotype-Driven Medicine
Ensures the right level of care at the right time, with less waste and over-treatment.
Proactive Approach to Chronic Disease Management
Improves clinical outcomes with considerable savings.
Greater Patient Engagement
Leads to improved treatment compliance and a focus on wellness.
Direct Non-invasive Disease Tracking
Track Your Plaque™ quantifies disease progression or stabilization over time, and guides changes in medical therapy.

Improve Clinically Appropriate Care
& Reduce Unnecessary Patient Risk
With Cleerly as a partner in your cardiac care assessment, your organization can make better informed diagnostic testing and treatment authorization decisions. With precise, patient specific data from Cleerly at hand, care decisions can become personalized and more appropriate. From better coordinated care, comes better patient outcomes.

Ready to Improve Patient Care?
Request a meeting to learn more about leveraging Cleerly in your patients' cardiac care path.