Cleerly for Individuals

The most important heart disease test you may ever have.

Every 1.7 seconds,
a person dies from cardiovascular disease.

Over 50% of individuals who die or suffer from a heart attack experience no symptoms before the event.1 What if they had known their individual risk ahead of time?

Lives would be saved.

Our Approach


Early Detection of Heart Disease

For over 50 years, cardiology has really been “sickcare,” with a focus on symptoms of heart disease rather than the disease itself, atherosclerosis. Over 10 years of clinical trial data have revealed that it's the type of atherosclerotic plaque buildup that matters most. Instead of waiting for reduced blood flow or blockages, it's time to get ahead of the problem, evaluate the underlying disease, and treat it with precision.

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A New Approach

Cleerly provides your physician with a comprehensive analysis of your scan to give them a better understanding of your heart disease and personal risk factors. This gives your heart care team the insights needed to make better choices for your heart health by guiding them towards a more effective treatment plan that is personalized to your unique findings. Cleerly's Track Your Plaque™ feature gives physician the ability to track your disease over time.

In addition, the Cleerly Patient Resources page provides you with straightforward educational resources about heart disease and your analysis results in easy-to-understand language. Our platform provides you with the right information at the right time to adhere to your physician-provided treatment plan.


Reasons to Believe

  • 50% of people who suffer a heart attack will do so without experiencing symptoms.1
  • 70% of heart attack victims are considered low risk by traditional methods of assessing heart disease.2
  • 75% of lesions that are responsible for heart attacks only cause mild narrowing of the arteries and are missed by conventional stress testing.3
Cleerly focus is to give you a personalized wholeheart analysis

Imagine a world where there are no sudden deaths from heart attacks because people have warnings, a chance to change their course, and a chance at a healthy life.

That's our vision — a world without heart attacks.




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