Release announcement:

Cleerly Labs v2.2.0



Cleerly is on a mission to create a world without heart attacks.

Our team is excited to share our new release with features that track disease progression, understand disease amount, identify dangerous plaque, and automate study workflows.


Track Disease Progression 

Cleerly's new first-of-its-kind comparison tool tracks patient disease rather than surrogates over time, helping evaluate the efficacy of treatment success.




Understand Disease Amount

Cleerly's Percent Atheroma Volume (PAV) quantifies the amount of plaque as a percentage of the total vessel volume, making it easier for patients to understand disease amount.


Automated Study Workflow

Cleerly's new version of Ambra Workflow Optimization enhances automation of study transfers by limiting efforts if uploads are paused for any reason.




Cleerly Labs v2.2.0 Release Notes:
  • Study comparison functionality
  • Editing tool expansion - Thresholding & Epicardial Fat tools
  • Additional outputs –  Percent Atheroma Volume (PAV) and exclusion outputs
  • Image viewing – Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) functionality & larger cross-section layout
  • Layout updates to the downloadable reports
  • Policy acceptance requirements
  • Textual summary updates
  • Bug fixes


Schedule a demo with us to explore Cleerly and how you can leverage our technology to improve patient care.